As 2010 draws to a close I wish to reflect on everything that has happend, the things I have learned, and all the good things we accomplished. Yeah, but yesterday I had the flu and my mind is still slightly foggy so I can't remember everything.... Here's some highlights:
We made it through Annabelle's croup and various rounds of steroids and breathing treatments last January.
Jerry had a fabulous year at his new store. They made above and beyond plan. It looks like this recession might finally be turning around.
Andrew has turned his math struggles around and we are SUPER PROUD of him!
Nathan is growing up. Not just in numbers but in maturity level. He still has some moments but we are now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
We have learned some new parenting methods and are seeing turn around with the boys.
I have learned that some people just can't give you want you want or expect. You have to find it in yourself to make due with what you are given.
I have learned to make the best of each situation and try to find the lesson in it.
There is so much more but I just can't remember in my flu fog. Forgive me.
We aren't big on New Year's Resolutions but we have hopes for 2011. We hope you and yours have had a wonderful 2010 and that 2011 brings you everything you hope for!
trying to achieve perfection with less than stellar results
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Menu Plan 12/29 to 1/4
So it's easier for me to menu plan from Wednesday to Tuesday because I do my shopping on Wednesday. So, here goes.
Slow Cooker Beef Stew (courtesy of Organizing Junkie) served over rice
Chicken Cacciatore (slow cooker) with penne and green beans
Cherry Walnut Pork Loin (slow cooker) with baked sweet potatoes and broccoli
Beef Stroganoff (from 5 Ingredient Fix on Food Network) with egg noodles and corn
Meatloaf with baked potatoes and green beans
Oh, and you should head over to to meet up with the hundreds of others that do Menu Plan Monday!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Most of the time I usually have our meals planned out but have gotten away from it lately. So I thought I would start up again and match up with Menu Plan Monday at You should pop over there and see the hundreds of others that plan their menus too!
I haven't really planned which days we are going to eat stuff but there are 7 meals and we will cross them off as we go!
Shrimp Scampi I got shrimp for $3.99/lb at the Super Saturday sale at Meijer.
Baked Chicken with StoveTop and green beans
Lasagna with garlic bread and corn
Homemade pizza
Tacos with Spanish Rice
Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole
Chili with corn bread
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday Morning Quarter Back
So Thanksgiving has come and gone. It was a great time. My parents came from Massachusettes (yeah, i prolly spelled that wrong but don't really care to double check). They brought my sister and nephew with them. My sister and nephew went to my mother's for the holiday so I didn't really get to see them much :(
Donovan is growing so much and I wish I could see him on a more regular basis. While he was here the boys and him ran around the house making all sorts of noise. Do you know how much noise 3 EXCITED boys can make? Let me tell you, it was LOUD! But it's all good. Funny thing happened: My sister was changing Donovan's diaper and when he was done and got up Annabelle laid right down for Aunt Kimmy to change her diaper too. LOL
On Black Friday, Kristen and I participated in Purple Thursday (?). Toys R Us was open at 10pm. When we got there at 8pm the line was already to the back of the store. But we decided to wait in the car anyway thinking the line would move quickly at 10pm. Well, at 10 we walk up to the door in the FREEZING RAIN. Only to find out they were only letting 50 people in at a time and waiting 20 minutes inbetween bunches. Ahhh, no. It would take hours at that point to get in there. So we went to Walmart and got all our stuff. Got in line by 11. We were, like, number 4 in line at the check out. We werre outta there by 12:30am. Swing back by Toys R Us, umm, yeah, the line was still like an hour long. So we came back home and went to sleep until 5. After that we headed back out. It was a good time. Got most of my Christmas shopping done. And I had a great time hanging out with Kris. Just me and her, no kids, and no husbands. :)
Saturday morning we all headed to Chuck E Cheese. The boys LOVE that place. It was a great time. Saturday afternoon my mother brought my sister back here. The kids played together for a little while and then Dad, Kris, Kim and Donovan piled back into the car to go home. :(
They weren't here very long but long enough to get Jerry sick. And my mother, my aunt, and grandmother. hahahaha Donovan did not get his Aunt Becca sick cause he loves me :)
Now it's Monday morning and I am still trying to get my house back in order after being so lazy yesterday. And doing some internet shopping. But as of yet I am not very impressed with the Cyber Monday deals.
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Now on to Christmas!
Donovan is growing so much and I wish I could see him on a more regular basis. While he was here the boys and him ran around the house making all sorts of noise. Do you know how much noise 3 EXCITED boys can make? Let me tell you, it was LOUD! But it's all good. Funny thing happened: My sister was changing Donovan's diaper and when he was done and got up Annabelle laid right down for Aunt Kimmy to change her diaper too. LOL
On Black Friday, Kristen and I participated in Purple Thursday (?). Toys R Us was open at 10pm. When we got there at 8pm the line was already to the back of the store. But we decided to wait in the car anyway thinking the line would move quickly at 10pm. Well, at 10 we walk up to the door in the FREEZING RAIN. Only to find out they were only letting 50 people in at a time and waiting 20 minutes inbetween bunches. Ahhh, no. It would take hours at that point to get in there. So we went to Walmart and got all our stuff. Got in line by 11. We were, like, number 4 in line at the check out. We werre outta there by 12:30am. Swing back by Toys R Us, umm, yeah, the line was still like an hour long. So we came back home and went to sleep until 5. After that we headed back out. It was a good time. Got most of my Christmas shopping done. And I had a great time hanging out with Kris. Just me and her, no kids, and no husbands. :)
Saturday morning we all headed to Chuck E Cheese. The boys LOVE that place. It was a great time. Saturday afternoon my mother brought my sister back here. The kids played together for a little while and then Dad, Kris, Kim and Donovan piled back into the car to go home. :(
They weren't here very long but long enough to get Jerry sick. And my mother, my aunt, and grandmother. hahahaha Donovan did not get his Aunt Becca sick cause he loves me :)
Now it's Monday morning and I am still trying to get my house back in order after being so lazy yesterday. And doing some internet shopping. But as of yet I am not very impressed with the Cyber Monday deals.
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Now on to Christmas!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Now That We Are All in Agreement
I actually stole this from The Stiletto Mom; but I found it utterly hilarious. And now I'm giving her credit so it's not really stealing. Happy Friday! And don't forget Christmas is only 37 days away!!
1. I think part of a best friend’s job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong.
3. I totally take back all those times I didn’t want to nap when I was younger
4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.
5. How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
6. Was learning cursive really necessary?
7. MapQuest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I’m pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
8. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.
9. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least kind of tired.
10. Bad decisions make good stories.
11. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren’t going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don’t want to have to restart my collection…again.
13. I’m always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to.
14. I keep some people’s phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.
15. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.
16. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay.
17. I wish Google Maps had an “Avoid Ghetto” routing option.
18. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.
19. How many times is it appropriate to say “What?” before you just nod and smile because you still didn’t hear or understand a word they said?
20. I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters!
21. Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.
22. Sometimes I’ll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
23. Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey – but I’d bet everyone can find and push the snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time!
24. The first testicular guard, the “Cup,” was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important.
1. I think part of a best friend’s job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong.
3. I totally take back all those times I didn’t want to nap when I was younger
4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.
5. How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
6. Was learning cursive really necessary?
7. MapQuest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I’m pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
8. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.
9. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least kind of tired.
10. Bad decisions make good stories.
11. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren’t going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don’t want to have to restart my collection…again.
13. I’m always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to.
14. I keep some people’s phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.
15. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.
16. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay.
17. I wish Google Maps had an “Avoid Ghetto” routing option.
18. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.
19. How many times is it appropriate to say “What?” before you just nod and smile because you still didn’t hear or understand a word they said?
20. I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters!
21. Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.
22. Sometimes I’ll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
23. Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey – but I’d bet everyone can find and push the snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time!
24. The first testicular guard, the “Cup,” was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Convo of the Day
Jerry & I were talking to the boys about what they wanted for Christmas. What we should get them and what they were going to ask Santa for.....
Andrew: Daddy, I want a DSi.
Jerry: You want a deep sac itch?
Andrew: Huh????
Mommy: ahahahhahahahahahaha
Utterly hysterical. Jerry came up with that off the cuff of his sleeve. And for those of you living in the stone age and don't know what a DSi is. It is not a deep sac itch. It's a Nintendo handheld game ala GameBoy.
Andrew: Daddy, I want a DSi.
Jerry: You want a deep sac itch?
Andrew: Huh????
Mommy: ahahahhahahahahahaha
Utterly hysterical. Jerry came up with that off the cuff of his sleeve. And for those of you living in the stone age and don't know what a DSi is. It is not a deep sac itch. It's a Nintendo handheld game ala GameBoy.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What's For Dinner
Last night I made something new for dinner. I served it to mixed reviews. Andrew and Annabelle did not care for it. Nathan and I loved it. Jerry worked late so he didn't eat with us and just munched on crap when he got home.
Baked Pasta with Sausage, Tomatoes, and Cheese
1lb uncooked ziti
1 pound hot turkey Italian sausage links
1 cup chopped onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
1TBS tomato paste
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 (14.5oz) cans petite diced tomatoes, undrained
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
cooking spray
1 cup (4oz) shredded fresh mozzarella cheese
1 cup (4oz) grated fresh Parmesan cheese
*Preheat oven to 350F.
*Cook pasta according to package directions, omitting salt and fat. Drain pasta; set aside.
*Remove casings from sausage. Cook sausage, onion, and garlic in large nonstick skillet over medium heat until sausage is browned, stirring to crumble. Add tomato paste, salt, pepper, and diced tomatoes to pan; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
*Combine cooked pasta, sausage mixture, and basil. Place half of the pasta mizture in a 4 quart casserole coated with cooking spray. Top with half of mozzarella and half of Parmesan. Repeat layers. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes or until bubbly.
Yield 8 servings (serving size 1 1/2 cups)
Hope you enjoy! What are you eating?
Baked Pasta with Sausage, Tomatoes, and Cheese
1lb uncooked ziti
1 pound hot turkey Italian sausage links
1 cup chopped onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
1TBS tomato paste
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 (14.5oz) cans petite diced tomatoes, undrained
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
cooking spray
1 cup (4oz) shredded fresh mozzarella cheese
1 cup (4oz) grated fresh Parmesan cheese
*Preheat oven to 350F.
*Cook pasta according to package directions, omitting salt and fat. Drain pasta; set aside.
*Remove casings from sausage. Cook sausage, onion, and garlic in large nonstick skillet over medium heat until sausage is browned, stirring to crumble. Add tomato paste, salt, pepper, and diced tomatoes to pan; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
*Combine cooked pasta, sausage mixture, and basil. Place half of the pasta mizture in a 4 quart casserole coated with cooking spray. Top with half of mozzarella and half of Parmesan. Repeat layers. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes or until bubbly.
Yield 8 servings (serving size 1 1/2 cups)
Hope you enjoy! What are you eating?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Citizens Hold My $$ Hostage
As I informed everyone we bought a new car on October 22. We signed up for new insurance through Citizens Insurance a subsidiary of Hanover Insurance. Cancelled my policy with Allstate and got my refund from them on Tuesday the 26.
I was to have Allstate fax to Citizens "dec" page of my policy. The "dec" page shows the limits of my coverage. I did not have the exceptional amount of coverage so I was no longer able to take advantage of the discount through Citizens.
I called around and decided to go through another company, Bristol West. On October 26 I cancelled my policy with Citizens. I was told I should receive my refund "within a couple a days".
So I called last Wednesday as I think 2 weeks is sufficient time to issue my refund. RIGHT? My agent told me she received the notice that my policy was cancelled effective 10-26, my refund would be blah blah blah, and it will be direct deposited into my account. Fabulous. When will that be? "Oh, you should see it in the next couple a days". So I have been checking my account like a freak. Hey, guess what, it's not there!
So I called my agent again today. She's in class all day and can call me tomorrow. Umm, no. So the lovely secretary helped me. "Yes, the refund has been processed and is scheduled to release 11-16". OMFG WHAT ANOTHER WEEK! I don't think so. Why is it taking so long? "Umm, not sure I can get back to you". Nope, just give me the 800 number to Citizens I will call them myself.
"Citizens Insurance may I help you". I need to talk to someone about my refund from cancelling my policy. "Just a moment"
"Hi this is Diane C. what can I do for you" So I gave her my information. "Yep, your policy is cancelled and we will issue your refund the 16". Umm, no. I want my money today. You cannot hold my money hostage for 4 weeks. "Well our system is manual and we are a little slow". NOT MY PROBLEM "Well, I can put in a request to rush the money" What will that get me? The money on the 15? No thanks, how about today. "Well the payment will issue 10 days after the cancellation". Umm this is way past 10 days. "10 days after the cancellation is processed which was Nov 1". RIGHT tomorrow is Nov 10 so I should have it tomorrow right? "Umm, no". But that's 10 days. "it might take your bank 3-5 days to accept it" So you got nothing for me. "I understand your frustration but we are working as hard as we can" Obviously not or I would already have my money.
Needless to say I hung up on her. I AM FURIOUS!! I have called the Better Business Bureau and filed a complaint. Cause I tried to call back and speak to a Manager/Team Leader/Supervisor/SOMEONE IN CHARGE/NOT DIANE C. - yeah - that lady is gone all week.
I am waiting for a call back from my agent. Something needs to be done. And I know that I am usually quick to anger but I don't think 2 weeks is unreasonable for a refund. Or lets say even tomorrow which will be 3 weeks, that's pushing it but fine. I can handle that *grumble grumble*. 4 WEEKS IS RIDICULOUS!! UNACCEPTABLE! AINT GONNA FLY HERE!
And why if you have my cancellation processed why is the payment not scheduled to release until 11-16? Seems to me that's why you are so "slow" why didn't you release my payment the day you processed my cancellation. This is BS.
I was to have Allstate fax to Citizens "dec" page of my policy. The "dec" page shows the limits of my coverage. I did not have the exceptional amount of coverage so I was no longer able to take advantage of the discount through Citizens.
I called around and decided to go through another company, Bristol West. On October 26 I cancelled my policy with Citizens. I was told I should receive my refund "within a couple a days".
So I called last Wednesday as I think 2 weeks is sufficient time to issue my refund. RIGHT? My agent told me she received the notice that my policy was cancelled effective 10-26, my refund would be blah blah blah, and it will be direct deposited into my account. Fabulous. When will that be? "Oh, you should see it in the next couple a days". So I have been checking my account like a freak. Hey, guess what, it's not there!
So I called my agent again today. She's in class all day and can call me tomorrow. Umm, no. So the lovely secretary helped me. "Yes, the refund has been processed and is scheduled to release 11-16". OMFG WHAT ANOTHER WEEK! I don't think so. Why is it taking so long? "Umm, not sure I can get back to you". Nope, just give me the 800 number to Citizens I will call them myself.
"Citizens Insurance may I help you". I need to talk to someone about my refund from cancelling my policy. "Just a moment"
"Hi this is Diane C. what can I do for you" So I gave her my information. "Yep, your policy is cancelled and we will issue your refund the 16". Umm, no. I want my money today. You cannot hold my money hostage for 4 weeks. "Well our system is manual and we are a little slow". NOT MY PROBLEM "Well, I can put in a request to rush the money" What will that get me? The money on the 15? No thanks, how about today. "Well the payment will issue 10 days after the cancellation". Umm this is way past 10 days. "10 days after the cancellation is processed which was Nov 1". RIGHT tomorrow is Nov 10 so I should have it tomorrow right? "Umm, no". But that's 10 days. "it might take your bank 3-5 days to accept it" So you got nothing for me. "I understand your frustration but we are working as hard as we can" Obviously not or I would already have my money.
Needless to say I hung up on her. I AM FURIOUS!! I have called the Better Business Bureau and filed a complaint. Cause I tried to call back and speak to a Manager/Team Leader/Supervisor/SOMEONE IN CHARGE/NOT DIANE C. - yeah - that lady is gone all week.
I am waiting for a call back from my agent. Something needs to be done. And I know that I am usually quick to anger but I don't think 2 weeks is unreasonable for a refund. Or lets say even tomorrow which will be 3 weeks, that's pushing it but fine. I can handle that *grumble grumble*. 4 WEEKS IS RIDICULOUS!! UNACCEPTABLE! AINT GONNA FLY HERE!
And why if you have my cancellation processed why is the payment not scheduled to release until 11-16? Seems to me that's why you are so "slow" why didn't you release my payment the day you processed my cancellation. This is BS.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I am NOT a Lame Parent
Okay, since everyone is talking about the Toyota Highlander commercial I thought I would jump on the band wagon and weigh in too, although I appear to be in the minority and an _________ (insert insult here) person.
This commercial CRACKS ME UP!!! I find it utterly hilarious. And for various reasons. I laugh at the dad washing the wood-grain panel van in cut off shorts and knee high socks (before I was born my dad dressed like that). I laugh that the kid is dressed like an 80's punk rocker. I laugh that his parents apparently use the kid as a mop because why else would his hair be that long? I laugh that he says something along the lines of "nice ride Mrs. whatever" a. like he's trying to hit on her; and b. like she actually cares what he thinks. I also laugh at the one where the kid is stuck in the back while his parents sing some 80's hit on repeat. For the life of me I cannot remember what song it is and it is killing me.
I guess I don't see it as they are saying the parent is lame for what kind of car they drive but for what they are doing/wearing. Even though I know that's what the point is. Because you don't see the parent with the van or station wagon dressed like they belong in this decade like you do the lady driving the Highlander.
When I was growing up my mother had a wood-grain panel van. SUPER LAME. But did I think it was still super lame when I got my license and was allowed to take it wherever I wanted. Nope. It was awesome. I could cart a zillion friends in that thing. And it was durable. I even put it in the ditch one snowy night, a guy with a tractor pulled it out. NOT A SCRATCH ON IT!! WOOT WOOT! Now I didn't have to tell my mom; and I didn't until years later. To which I got a "Becca Kaye!" and an eye roll.
When I was, like, 14 my dad had a Mustang. It was awesome. My dad, Kris, Rufus, Kim, and I were out shopping and my dad had parked on a side street. I got to the car before everyone else. There were some boys hanging out on a bench. I thought I would be cool and lean up against the hood like it was my car (even though it was abundantly obvious that I was nowhere near driving age). My dad saw what I was doing and set off the car alarm. LAMEO McLAMERSON My face was sooo red. I coulda killed him. And my dad wore MC Hammer pants like it was a fashion statement. Ummm, no Dad.
People are saying a lot of negative stuff about these ads. But try to think back when you were that age or 13. Did you really think your parents were "cool"? Ummm, no. It doesn't matter what parents have or don't have.... your kids are going to think you are lame regardless.
My boys currently think I am lame for: not buying new halloween costumes when we got ones from the cousins that were perfectly fine; going to the bus stop with them every morning; not letting them stay up as late as they want on a school night; still making them go to bed at a decent time on weekends; making them clean their room, brush their teeth, and take showers; making Andrew bring home his math book; making them do homework; caring about their school grades..... Oh, the list goes on and on.....
And just for the record, I think the Highlander is LAME, cause it's not American. As my father-in-law is retired from GM American cars are all we buy. The GM Family discount helps out too.
This commercial CRACKS ME UP!!! I find it utterly hilarious. And for various reasons. I laugh at the dad washing the wood-grain panel van in cut off shorts and knee high socks (before I was born my dad dressed like that). I laugh that the kid is dressed like an 80's punk rocker. I laugh that his parents apparently use the kid as a mop because why else would his hair be that long? I laugh that he says something along the lines of "nice ride Mrs. whatever" a. like he's trying to hit on her; and b. like she actually cares what he thinks. I also laugh at the one where the kid is stuck in the back while his parents sing some 80's hit on repeat. For the life of me I cannot remember what song it is and it is killing me.
I guess I don't see it as they are saying the parent is lame for what kind of car they drive but for what they are doing/wearing. Even though I know that's what the point is. Because you don't see the parent with the van or station wagon dressed like they belong in this decade like you do the lady driving the Highlander.
When I was growing up my mother had a wood-grain panel van. SUPER LAME. But did I think it was still super lame when I got my license and was allowed to take it wherever I wanted. Nope. It was awesome. I could cart a zillion friends in that thing. And it was durable. I even put it in the ditch one snowy night, a guy with a tractor pulled it out. NOT A SCRATCH ON IT!! WOOT WOOT! Now I didn't have to tell my mom; and I didn't until years later. To which I got a "Becca Kaye!" and an eye roll.
When I was, like, 14 my dad had a Mustang. It was awesome. My dad, Kris, Rufus, Kim, and I were out shopping and my dad had parked on a side street. I got to the car before everyone else. There were some boys hanging out on a bench. I thought I would be cool and lean up against the hood like it was my car (even though it was abundantly obvious that I was nowhere near driving age). My dad saw what I was doing and set off the car alarm. LAMEO McLAMERSON My face was sooo red. I coulda killed him. And my dad wore MC Hammer pants like it was a fashion statement. Ummm, no Dad.
People are saying a lot of negative stuff about these ads. But try to think back when you were that age or 13. Did you really think your parents were "cool"? Ummm, no. It doesn't matter what parents have or don't have.... your kids are going to think you are lame regardless.
My boys currently think I am lame for: not buying new halloween costumes when we got ones from the cousins that were perfectly fine; going to the bus stop with them every morning; not letting them stay up as late as they want on a school night; still making them go to bed at a decent time on weekends; making them clean their room, brush their teeth, and take showers; making Andrew bring home his math book; making them do homework; caring about their school grades..... Oh, the list goes on and on.....
And just for the record, I think the Highlander is LAME, cause it's not American. As my father-in-law is retired from GM American cars are all we buy. The GM Family discount helps out too.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Staples & Halloween
What an eventful weekend.....
Saturday Andrew had a friend ("C") over for a few hours. At one point Annabelle, Andrew, C, Nathan and I were all outside. My heavy front door was open and the screen was closed. Nathan somehow locked the screen door and shut it. Leaving us all outside. We were all on the front porch.... "Andrew watch your sister make sure she doesn't fall". Sure enough while I'm trying to jimmy the door back open she falls down the porch stairs. There are only 3 so it wasn't too bad. But she cried and now has
a scraped up eye. My princess is damaged :( Jerry got home shortly after. Jerry went outside to play football with Andrew, C, and Nathan. "Honey - no tackle someone will get hurt and I would prefer it not to be C". "Oh, their just fine!" says Jerry. I go to the neighbor's house so Annabelle can climb on their playset and play with the two girls. Jerry screams "BECCA NOW" and I look over to see him carrying Nathan and Nathan is screaming. "Whatever Jerry" because I just assume Nathan is throwing a temper tantrum (this happens often lol) "HE'S BLEEDING EVERYWHERE!" Jerry yells back. Ummm, yeah - so I snatch up Annabelle and run back home. Poor baby girl her little head was bouncing everywhere but she was laughing. I get on the porch Nathan & Jerry both are covered in blood and it is spewing from everywhere off Nathan's head. I run inside grab a towel and have Jerry apply pressure. Andrew & C get in the car to go back to C's house (they were going to a Halloween party); Jerry changes clothes; we get clean clothes on Nathan; everyone get in the car. 3 staples to the melon for Nate :( but he's okay

J: "Does this make us bad parents?" As he's digging through Andrew's candy bag
B: "Ummm, no. It makes us like every other parent out there." As I'm digging through Nate's bag. *giggle giggle*
J: "You think our parents did this when we were growing up?"
B: "I don't know about your parents but I know mine did!"
Good thing they got so much to share with us! lol
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Salmon's Have a New Addition!
Hahahahaha who thought I was pregnant by that title??? Hehe NO WAY
It was a very exciting Friday for Jerry and I! We bought a brand new 2010 Chevy Impala.
It was a very exciting Friday for Jerry and I! We bought a brand new 2010 Chevy Impala.
We are really happy with our purchase. It is everything Jerry wanted. And the best part is we aren't paying any more for this every month than we were for the minivan I haven't been able to drive since November 6, 2009. We all remember this.....
Friday, October 15, 2010
Pumpkin Cookies
Wow look 2 posts in one week. I'm putting up my* Pumpkin Cookie recipe for those that keep asking me for it I can just refer them here. :)
1 c white sugar
1 egg
1 c shortening (or margarine)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 c flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
1 c canned pumpkin (pumpkin puree - not pie mix)
Icing (recipe to follow)
Preheat oven to 350. Grease cookie sheets (I usually use my baking stone - no grease required).
Cream sugar, egg, shortening, and vanilla. Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Stir into creamed mixure. Stir in pumpkin. Spoon dough onto cookie sheet**. Bake for ~12 minutes. Ice when cool.
**Rather than spoon the cookies I put them in a pastry bag or huge ziploc and make dollups on the cookie sheet.
1c powdered sugar
1TBS margarine
1tsp vanilla
2-4 TBS milk
Mix powdered sugar, margarine, and vanilla. Add milk a tablespoon at a time. Mix until desired consistency.
I put the icing in a ziploc bag and just do squiggles back and forth over all the cookies.
*I didn't come up with this recipe. I think I got it from Martha Stewart.
1 c white sugar
1 egg
1 c shortening (or margarine)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 c flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
1 c canned pumpkin (pumpkin puree - not pie mix)
Icing (recipe to follow)
Preheat oven to 350. Grease cookie sheets (I usually use my baking stone - no grease required).
Cream sugar, egg, shortening, and vanilla. Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Stir into creamed mixure. Stir in pumpkin. Spoon dough onto cookie sheet**. Bake for ~12 minutes. Ice when cool.
**Rather than spoon the cookies I put them in a pastry bag or huge ziploc and make dollups on the cookie sheet.
1c powdered sugar
1TBS margarine
1tsp vanilla
2-4 TBS milk
Mix powdered sugar, margarine, and vanilla. Add milk a tablespoon at a time. Mix until desired consistency.
I put the icing in a ziploc bag and just do squiggles back and forth over all the cookies.
*I didn't come up with this recipe. I think I got it from Martha Stewart.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
"Reviving Ophelia"
Last night I watched a movie on Lifetime called "Reviving Ophelia". All I can say is wow.
The premise for this movie was about teen dating/abusive relationships and one family's struggle to help their daughter realize this is not how life should be.
I have so much built up to say about this I don't even know where to start. Domestic violence is NOT acceptable under any circumstances. It is never deserved. Abusive relationships are not always just about the physical. There are other signs of abuse.
I only hope when my daughter gets to the dating age that she does not have to deal with a man like that. And I hope that I recognize these warning signs. But more importantly I hope that her father and I have instilled in her the value of her worth. That no one should treat her that way; that she is worth more; and that she feels she can come to her father and I should she encounter a man like this.
And I hope, as the mother of two boys, that we have instilled in them that that is not how you treat a lady.
The premise for this movie was about teen dating/abusive relationships and one family's struggle to help their daughter realize this is not how life should be.
I have so much built up to say about this I don't even know where to start. Domestic violence is NOT acceptable under any circumstances. It is never deserved. Abusive relationships are not always just about the physical. There are other signs of abuse.
I only hope when my daughter gets to the dating age that she does not have to deal with a man like that. And I hope that I recognize these warning signs. But more importantly I hope that her father and I have instilled in her the value of her worth. That no one should treat her that way; that she is worth more; and that she feels she can come to her father and I should she encounter a man like this.
And I hope, as the mother of two boys, that we have instilled in them that that is not how you treat a lady.
As the princess is sleeping I thought I would update a little bit. Thanks, Kelly for reminding me to write.
Obviously it was a failed mission to blog once a week. Sucktastic. I have so much to say that you would think I would be on here all the time. Umm, no. I want to be witty and fun. But it appears that these things come on a whim and not upon direction. And how to do you make funny and witty that I have no privacy and have to poop with the baby on my lap? Brittany at barefootfoodie makes this shit HIL-AR-I-OUS!
Jerry played in a flag football tournament Columbus Day weekend Saturday. His team went 2-2. They were actually pretty good until their QB got hurt. And by got hurt I mean he fractured his ankle, tore ligiments in his ankle, and did something else bad (can't remember cause I didn't hear everything first hand).
Andrew and I threw the football back and forth this past Sunday cause:
-Andrew: Guess what Mommy
-Me: What baby?
-Andrew: Playing football is really good exercise for you. That's why you should play all the time.
-Me: Oh, I need exercise?
-Andrew: Yeah - So you can get skinny again.
-Me: Oh, Mommy's not skinny anymore?
-Andrew: *shrugs* Not really.
-Me: Thanks baby. Mommy loves you too.
*HEAVY SIGH* So, my baby (that I gave birth to, and gave up my glorious figure for) thinks his momma is a fatty. AWESOME. Looks like I need to start that diet sooner than I thought. Only, I can't diet. No diet I know of allows me to eat a 9x13 pan of brownies. That's the diet I need. As I approach ahem*30*ahem things are going down hill. Ugh. Sucktastic.
Andrew is struggling with math. Which is FRUSTRATING for me. I am super fab at math. I don't know how to help him more. It's frustrating for us both actually. I can't make him understand and he can't articulate why he doesn't understand. He just guesses the answers and waits for my response. I have learned not to say anything. Just to ask him if he is sure and why he picked that answer. Hopefully something turns around soon. Any suggestions, please help us. But he is loving school this year, which makes me tremendously happy. Sunday, he came up to me and gave me a hug for no reason. It was like Mother's Day all over again. I love that baby.
Nathan is doing okay in school. He is still struggling with sitting still and doing his best work. He want quantity of work; we (Mommy, Daddy & teacher) want quality work. We are trying to figure out how to meet in the middle. We are reading 20 minutes or more every night and he is LOVING it. He makes sure to ask just before bed time for his book. That makes me smile. He is enjoying school this year, this too makes me tremendously happy. He brings a smile to my face like no other.
Annabelle is growing by leaps and bounds. She is running everywhere and into EVERYTHING. Subsequently she has a bruise in the middle of her forehead from running into the door jams all the time. She loves her big brothers so much and gets super excited when they pay attention to her. When we go to pick the boys up from the bus stop she starts yelling "Bubba" until Andrew gets off the bus. We are trying to teach her to say Tater but we aren't having much luck. Soon, it will happen. I love the time I get to spend with her everyday.
Jerry keeps working a lot and his store is prospering because of it. If they keep on this track we will win the trip to Puerto Rico this April. YEA!! Some place warm with no snow! I'm excited. I am unbelievably greatful to my dear husband that works so hard that I can stay home with my kids. Because of him I can be the mommy I want to be. I <3 you so much honey.
Well. That's all for now. Maybe I can post more frequently and not just stuff about my family. There is so much room for discussion I can't wait!
Obviously it was a failed mission to blog once a week. Sucktastic. I have so much to say that you would think I would be on here all the time. Umm, no. I want to be witty and fun. But it appears that these things come on a whim and not upon direction. And how to do you make funny and witty that I have no privacy and have to poop with the baby on my lap? Brittany at barefootfoodie makes this shit HIL-AR-I-OUS!
Jerry played in a flag football tournament Columbus Day weekend Saturday. His team went 2-2. They were actually pretty good until their QB got hurt. And by got hurt I mean he fractured his ankle, tore ligiments in his ankle, and did something else bad (can't remember cause I didn't hear everything first hand).
Andrew and I threw the football back and forth this past Sunday cause:
-Andrew: Guess what Mommy
-Me: What baby?
-Andrew: Playing football is really good exercise for you. That's why you should play all the time.
-Me: Oh, I need exercise?
-Andrew: Yeah - So you can get skinny again.
-Me: Oh, Mommy's not skinny anymore?
-Andrew: *shrugs* Not really.
-Me: Thanks baby. Mommy loves you too.
*HEAVY SIGH* So, my baby (that I gave birth to, and gave up my glorious figure for) thinks his momma is a fatty. AWESOME. Looks like I need to start that diet sooner than I thought. Only, I can't diet. No diet I know of allows me to eat a 9x13 pan of brownies. That's the diet I need. As I approach ahem*30*ahem things are going down hill. Ugh. Sucktastic.
Andrew is struggling with math. Which is FRUSTRATING for me. I am super fab at math. I don't know how to help him more. It's frustrating for us both actually. I can't make him understand and he can't articulate why he doesn't understand. He just guesses the answers and waits for my response. I have learned not to say anything. Just to ask him if he is sure and why he picked that answer. Hopefully something turns around soon. Any suggestions, please help us. But he is loving school this year, which makes me tremendously happy. Sunday, he came up to me and gave me a hug for no reason. It was like Mother's Day all over again. I love that baby.
Nathan is doing okay in school. He is still struggling with sitting still and doing his best work. He want quantity of work; we (Mommy, Daddy & teacher) want quality work. We are trying to figure out how to meet in the middle. We are reading 20 minutes or more every night and he is LOVING it. He makes sure to ask just before bed time for his book. That makes me smile. He is enjoying school this year, this too makes me tremendously happy. He brings a smile to my face like no other.
Annabelle is growing by leaps and bounds. She is running everywhere and into EVERYTHING. Subsequently she has a bruise in the middle of her forehead from running into the door jams all the time. She loves her big brothers so much and gets super excited when they pay attention to her. When we go to pick the boys up from the bus stop she starts yelling "Bubba" until Andrew gets off the bus. We are trying to teach her to say Tater but we aren't having much luck. Soon, it will happen. I love the time I get to spend with her everyday.
Jerry keeps working a lot and his store is prospering because of it. If they keep on this track we will win the trip to Puerto Rico this April. YEA!! Some place warm with no snow! I'm excited. I am unbelievably greatful to my dear husband that works so hard that I can stay home with my kids. Because of him I can be the mommy I want to be. I <3 you so much honey.
Well. That's all for now. Maybe I can post more frequently and not just stuff about my family. There is so much room for discussion I can't wait!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Princess Annabelle Turns 1!
My dearest princess turned one today. It's amazing to me where the time has gone. It seems like it was just yesterday that she graced her daddy and I with her presence. Our hearts are over joyed with every moment of her life. She's been walking for almost 2 months now. And blows kisses. It's amazing.
We have finished nursing. I'm glad we stuck with it for this year. I feel like I have done something fabulous for my little girl.
My wonderful baby girl: Mommy and Daddy love you and are so happy you are here. We can't imagine our lives without you. You have completed our family. We love you more with every passing moment.
We have finished nursing. I'm glad we stuck with it for this year. I feel like I have done something fabulous for my little girl.
My wonderful baby girl: Mommy and Daddy love you and are so happy you are here. We can't imagine our lives without you. You have completed our family. We love you more with every passing moment.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Catching up and forcasting
I want to be more diligent posting to my blog. I want to be able to keep a record of all the fabulousness that is happening in our lives. I promise (mostly to myself, as I am the only one reading this) that I will post at least once a week.
Just a little catching up.....
This summer we took our annual 4th of July vacation to Cape Cod. The party was fabulous and fun as always. Kev burned his hand baaadddd when he tried to light 40 sparklers at once. Guess what if one catches they all will and kaboom. Burnage for Kev. Good job. Rufus and Hana were able to make it. They appeared about an hour before the party started. And I got to see the nephew. Donovan is so precious. Annnnd now he hollers BECCCAAAA all the time. When he's in trouble or has to go to bed when he doesn't want to "Aunt Becca!" Sorry baby, I ain't gonna come a runnin'! I miss him and I <3 him.
Jerry went to Ohio for Career Development School for work. He left me and the babies for 4 days. It sucked to be without him. But he did some bonding that will help him in the future.
September is upon us. That means so much for our family.... Annabelle turns one; Nathan turns six; School starts on the 7th; Daddy goes to Orlando for work for a week; and the start of Fall.
WE LOVE FALL. We hope to go to the Apple Orchard and Pumpkin Patch this September/October. Jerry and I just love the smell of the donuts at the apple orchard. And I always start baking more. We are both looking forward to that. Although I don't know that our waistlines are. Oh well. And seeing all the trees change color. Hopefully we can take a drive to see all the color.
Then comes winter....Ahhhh. Jerry and I are soooo looking forward to Christmas with our kids this year. Annabelle will be 15 months and "get it". Jerry will be working nonstop, but that will just make us enjoy our time with him that much more. And we are looking forward to the first snow of the year. It brings such a crispness to life.
Well, here goes. Hope I can keep up with this.
Just a little catching up.....
This summer we took our annual 4th of July vacation to Cape Cod. The party was fabulous and fun as always. Kev burned his hand baaadddd when he tried to light 40 sparklers at once. Guess what if one catches they all will and kaboom. Burnage for Kev. Good job. Rufus and Hana were able to make it. They appeared about an hour before the party started. And I got to see the nephew. Donovan is so precious. Annnnd now he hollers BECCCAAAA all the time. When he's in trouble or has to go to bed when he doesn't want to "Aunt Becca!" Sorry baby, I ain't gonna come a runnin'! I miss him and I <3 him.
Jerry went to Ohio for Career Development School for work. He left me and the babies for 4 days. It sucked to be without him. But he did some bonding that will help him in the future.
September is upon us. That means so much for our family.... Annabelle turns one; Nathan turns six; School starts on the 7th; Daddy goes to Orlando for work for a week; and the start of Fall.
WE LOVE FALL. We hope to go to the Apple Orchard and Pumpkin Patch this September/October. Jerry and I just love the smell of the donuts at the apple orchard. And I always start baking more. We are both looking forward to that. Although I don't know that our waistlines are. Oh well. And seeing all the trees change color. Hopefully we can take a drive to see all the color.
Then comes winter....Ahhhh. Jerry and I are soooo looking forward to Christmas with our kids this year. Annabelle will be 15 months and "get it". Jerry will be working nonstop, but that will just make us enjoy our time with him that much more. And we are looking forward to the first snow of the year. It brings such a crispness to life.
Well, here goes. Hope I can keep up with this.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
New Phone
I got a new phone. A Palm Pixi to be exact. I wish I could take a picture of my new phone with my phone so you could see.
I can't. :-(
I can't. :-(
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Ugh.... It's been forever and a day since I have been here. So much catching up to do....
To begin:
The boys were on Spring Break all of last week. It was a good time. It rained for a few days but we amused ourselves with video games and movies. The other days were spent riding bikes, taking walks, going to the park, playing basketball & football, and spending time with grandparents.
Jerry had Easter Sunday through yesterday (Monday) off as vacation. It was great that he was able to coordinate it for the boys vacation too. We all love that he was home with us, but sometimes it's hard. 'Cause he works so much he doesn't know all the rules, what the boys can/can't do in the neighborhood, and who they are/aren't allowed to play with. It makes it hard. I get phone calls at the grocery store 'can the boys do this?'. Ugh.
My parents also came from Massachusettes (sp?) this weekend. They got here late Friday night and left at the buttcrack-o-dawn Monday morning. It was great to see them. On Saturday we went to Chuck E. Cheese cause that's what my babies love to do. We got there at 10am when noone else was there and had the whole place to ourselves. We got 400 tokens. Jerry, my parents, and I played skeeball and such so the boys were able to end up with tickets for prizes at the end. We ened up with almost 1600 tickets. Mostly cause I'm awesome at skeeball. Annabelle rode on this horse.
The boys were running everywhere - so im a bad mom and don't have pics of them. Because of my prowess at skeeball the boys were able to get cotton candy, a squiggly ball, dart guns, tootsie rolls, and airheads. We got 2 of everything so each boy could have a set.

Saturday night the kids spent the night with the in-laws and Jerry and I went to dinner/drinks with my parents. I threatened the waitress - she was getting a little chatty with my husband. We stayed at the hotel cause we don't drink and drive. A good time was had by all.
Sunday morning I was out of bed at 5:30am. I wanted by babies back so I showered and was on the road by 6am. We went back to the hotel for a free continental breakfast. Grandpa made the boys waffles. They loved them. Then we all went swimming. We put Annabelle's little bathing suit on her and took her in. She loved it! And because Jerry and I didn't want our phones to get wet at the pool we left them in the room..... so no pics of her first time in the pool. The boys also had a great time in the pool. They are like little fishies. And no pics of them either :( ya know - cause the water and wet phones?
Sunday afternoon we came back to our house and the boys played outside. My parents went to the park with us and took pics of the boys playing. It was a good time. They left here about 6pm. cause Monday morning Dad had A LOT of driving to do.
And Monday morning for us started back-to-school! YEA!!! The kids were less than thrilled to go. Andrew says I was only making him go because I don't love him anymore. Whatever kid - go in there and learn!! I love that baby and he just likes to make me feel bad. Nathan's regular teacher came back. He really misses Miss Hooks but has promised us all that he will be really good for Mrs. Borg. So far, so good. Monday and Tuesday he got all his stickers on his behavior chart and a smiley face on his progress note. He even got a 'Cardinal Code' ticket today. I'm so proud of him. Hopefully he can keep this up. I have faith in him.
Tuesday Jerry went back to work. Poor hubby had to work a 12 hour day on his first day back. But he has tomorrow off so it shouldn't be too bad for him.
Although I was glad to be able to spend extra time with the boys (all 3 of them) I am glad for life to get back to normal. I love my 3 hours alone with Annabelle in the afternoon. Today we celebrated by taking a 2 hour nap on the couch! I love me some baby snuggles. And they won't last forever as I very well know so I gots to soak 'em up while I can.
DWTS results show tonight.... Kate will go on. I'm confident.
Chuck E. Cheese,
dancing with the stars,
spring break,
Monday, March 29, 2010
Well folks, welcome to Loserville. Population 1 - that'd be me. It appears nothing interesting of note has happened this past week so I've been a little lax on being on here. I have surely been blog stalking people tho.
Dancing with the Stars is on tonight and I will review them tomorrow. Hopefully it is better than last week - sure as heck can't get any worse!
Oh, one interesting thing to note. The child scratched the brand new table. Ran his fork back and forth across it while he was eating. He likes the noise. Mommy & Daddy: NOT SO THRILLED! We should have known - it was bound to happen sooner or later. Ugh.
Dancing with the Stars is on tonight and I will review them tomorrow. Hopefully it is better than last week - sure as heck can't get any worse!
Oh, one interesting thing to note. The child scratched the brand new table. Ran his fork back and forth across it while he was eating. He likes the noise. Mommy & Daddy: NOT SO THRILLED! We should have known - it was bound to happen sooner or later. Ugh.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wooohoooo! Dancing with the Stars was on last night; and let me just disclaimer: I have never watched this show before. But alas, I am a Kate Gosselin fan. They sucked me in. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have wasted those two hours of my life last night. You know I can't ever get those two hours back!
So....the list of stars (well, the ones I can remember):
Buzz Aldrin, ya know one of the first guys to step on the moon? He's 80 years old! IT WAS TERRIBLE! And his poor dance partner, Ashly. She doesn't even stand a chance. It's sad they stuck that man on the show. I think they were just trying to get old people to watch.
Shannon Daugherty of 90210 fame. Oh yeah, and Scare Tactics. She cried. I mean, really? She cried? 'Cause her dad was in the audience. I'm all for the 'oh, I just want to make my dad proud' kind of moment. But this is Shannon. I think she's getting soft in her old age; the Shannon we know would never have cried. She did pretty good for being a cry baby.
Chad Ochosinco, he's a football player. Don't ask me which team; I don't really care. Nor is this an invite to tell me which team. I have a husband I can ask. I call him Chad 85. That's his football number. He legally changed his name to Ochosinco. He's retarted. I thought he did okay.
Erin Andrews, the ESPN reporter. The one that had her hotel room bugged with video cameras by other ESPN staff. I don't think she looks all that great. She looks kinda frumpy. WTF, why take pics of her? Even my husband wasn't impressed. And on a show like that they couldn't do something else with her hair. I used to wear my hair like that all the time lady! It wasn't that great of a performance either.
Aiden Turner, the soap star. He's on All My Children. He's got a nice voice and he's pretty good to look at. That's pretty much all I can remember about him. Ooooo, but he has been seen out clubbing with Kate. She said 'he can talk to me all day, i love his accent'.
Nicey Nash, Reno 911 or Clean House. I love that lady. All sassy attitude. She's great. Her performance, eh, left a little to be desired. And something was wrong with her makeup. I like her better on her shows. And the back fat? WTF! Not that I have lost my baby weight but they couldn't put a spanx on her? Poor girl.
Jake Pavelka the Bachelor. But I guess he isn't really a bachelor anymore since he proposed to Vivienne. I know, I know... I prolly spelled her name wrong, but who cares? She won't be reading this and you all know what I meant. He did pretty good. He, of course, danced to Seal's 'kissed by a rose'. WHO DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING??
Pamela Anderson.... everyone knows who she is. Ever don a red bathing suit and run slow motion on the beach. You know every girl did that. Well.... Her performance. I thought this show was supposed to be, like, G rated. Not this girl. But what do you expect from a girl that video taped herself on a swing with her (now ex) hubby?
Kate Gosselin, from Jon & Kate plus 8, if you don't know who she is you must have been living under a rock for the past 5 years. Pretty dress, pretty hair, no smile save the fake one she put on. Her dance partner asked her if she really wanted to be there. She said yes but her face said no. I get it, she was nervous. Of all the people on there she has no experience doing anything but being a mommy and book writer. Her performance SUCKED. I mean, it was real bad.
I know there are a bunch of people I forgot but those ones are the ones that stuck out to me. Hopefully my girl Kate can come back next week. We'll see. It doesn't look too good for her. But then again; it doesn't look good for any of them. They all weren't that great. Not that I'm a professional dancer but that's why I keep my but behind this computer and just judge everyone else!
So, here's to Kate, Pam, and all the rest...keep up the good work. It has to get easier from here on out. Best of Luck to all of you.
dancing with the stars,
kate gosselin,
pam anderson
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Hot Deals with my Coupons!

This morning as the rest of ya'll were sleeping I ventured out to Kroger with my binder of coupons. I can't begin to tell you all the savings I have encountered but thought I would share my latest deal.
12 cans DelMonte tomatoes
6 Yakisoba noodles
3 Franks Red Hot
3 Boxes Fiber One 90 calorie bars
3 bags Starburst Jellybeans
3 bags Steamfresh veggies
2 International Delights coffee creamer
2 Pace Salsa
2 Pace Salsa
2 Bumblebee tuna pouches
2 Planters Peanuts
1 Yoplait Delights
1 Bob Evans sausage
1 Nature Valley Granola Nut Clusters
Total Spent: $28.95
Total Saved: $65.54
I got a grand total of 41 items and saved 69%. I'm still learning and don't have a printer so I'm missing out on even more. But hopefully soon a printer will come into my life. I am beyond uber excited about my savings even if noone else is!
Happy Shopping!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
A Gorgeous St. Patty's Day

Yesterday what luck did I have to find a wee leprechaun at my house! My pretty princess in her new green dress. Grandma DeeDee bought her this dress thinking it would fit her this summer as it is a 12 months. Nope it fits her now and my baby girl is only 6 1/2 months old! And along the way I found these other two little boys dressed in green.

It was so gorgeous out yesterday that I put Annabelle in her stroller and we went to the park. Nathan and I pushed her in the swing for about 20 minutes. She loved it! Giggling and kicking her ch
ubby legs a mile a minute. I love that spring is almost here. The high for today is 67 so we should be able to head outside again!

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Andrew!

Happy birthday to my sweet prince.
We celebrated Andrew's birthday with just us. Some ravioli for dinner and brownie cake with ice cream for dessert. A perfect day.
As I sit and think about where I was and what I was doing 8 years ago, I am astonished. Andrew changed my life and brought me so much joy. Jerry and I remember the moment he was born - we were both in tears. He was so perfect and we loved him soooo much. I have so many emotions running wild in me I can't get them all out.
Happy birthday to my baby boy. May the world be your oyster and give you everything you want.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Bed to Floor
In the utter chaos of the morning some bad things happened.....
Annabelle pooped up to her shoulders. It was nasty. As she is still being nursed its a runny mess. So we stuck her in the shower. After she was all cleaned up and smelling pretty, I put her fresh diaper on her and put her on our bed. I was in the laundry room trying to start the laundry so said mess didn't stain her jammies and......
The princess fell from our bed to the floor. I forget that she is moving so well. We have a queen size bed and she usually stops just short of the edge. Not today. This is the first time she has fallen. It was sad for mommy. I let her down. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Annabelle pooped up to her shoulders. It was nasty. As she is still being nursed its a runny mess. So we stuck her in the shower. After she was all cleaned up and smelling pretty, I put her fresh diaper on her and put her on our bed. I was in the laundry room trying to start the laundry so said mess didn't stain her jammies and......
The princess fell from our bed to the floor. I forget that she is moving so well. We have a queen size bed and she usually stops just short of the edge. Not today. This is the first time she has fallen. It was sad for mommy. I let her down. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
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