Ugh.... It's been forever and a day since I have been here. So much catching up to do....
To begin:
The boys were on Spring Break all of last week. It was a good time. It rained for a few days but we amused ourselves with video games and movies. The other days were spent riding bikes, taking walks, going to the park, playing basketball & football, and spending time with grandparents.
Jerry had Easter Sunday through yesterday (Monday) off as vacation. It was great that he was able to coordinate it for the boys vacation too. We all love that he was home with us, but sometimes it's hard. 'Cause he works so much he doesn't know all the rules, what the boys can/can't do in the neighborhood, and who they are/aren't allowed to play with. It makes it hard. I get phone calls at the grocery store 'can the boys do this?'. Ugh.
My parents also came from Massachusettes (sp?) this weekend. They got here late Friday night and left at the buttcrack-o-dawn Monday morning. It was great to see them. On Saturday we went to Chuck E. Cheese cause that's what my babies love to do. We got there at 10am when noone else was there and had the whole place to ourselves. We got 400 tokens. Jerry, my parents, and I played skeeball and such so the boys were able to end up with tickets for prizes at the end. We ened up with almost 1600 tickets. Mostly cause I'm awesome at skeeball. Annabelle rode on this horse.
The boys were running everywhere - so im a bad mom and don't have pics of them. Because of my prowess at skeeball the boys were able to get cotton candy, a squiggly ball, dart guns, tootsie rolls, and airheads. We got 2 of everything so each boy could have a set.

Saturday night the kids spent the night with the in-laws and Jerry and I went to dinner/drinks with my parents. I threatened the waitress - she was getting a little chatty with my husband. We stayed at the hotel cause we don't drink and drive. A good time was had by all.
Sunday morning I was out of bed at 5:30am. I wanted by babies back so I showered and was on the road by 6am. We went back to the hotel for a free continental breakfast. Grandpa made the boys waffles. They loved them. Then we all went swimming. We put Annabelle's little bathing suit on her and took her in. She loved it! And because Jerry and I didn't want our phones to get wet at the pool we left them in the room..... so no pics of her first time in the pool. The boys also had a great time in the pool. They are like little fishies. And no pics of them either :( ya know - cause the water and wet phones?
Sunday afternoon we came back to our house and the boys played outside. My parents went to the park with us and took pics of the boys playing. It was a good time. They left here about 6pm. cause Monday morning Dad had A LOT of driving to do.
And Monday morning for us started back-to-school! YEA!!! The kids were less than thrilled to go. Andrew says I was only making him go because I don't love him anymore. Whatever kid - go in there and learn!! I love that baby and he just likes to make me feel bad. Nathan's regular teacher came back. He really misses Miss Hooks but has promised us all that he will be really good for Mrs. Borg. So far, so good. Monday and Tuesday he got all his stickers on his behavior chart and a smiley face on his progress note. He even got a 'Cardinal Code' ticket today. I'm so proud of him. Hopefully he can keep this up. I have faith in him.
Tuesday Jerry went back to work. Poor hubby had to work a 12 hour day on his first day back. But he has tomorrow off so it shouldn't be too bad for him.
Although I was glad to be able to spend extra time with the boys (all 3 of them) I am glad for life to get back to normal. I love my 3 hours alone with Annabelle in the afternoon. Today we celebrated by taking a 2 hour nap on the couch! I love me some baby snuggles. And they won't last forever as I very well know so I gots to soak 'em up while I can.
DWTS results show tonight.... Kate will go on. I'm confident.
Glad you had a nice time with the 'rents! I did nothing noteworthy last weekend- and it was fantastic :) xo